Setup a First Aid Box consisting essential equipment

First Aid Box are often called as F.A.Boxes. They are essential the first aid in accidental situations. An accident may occur any time regardless of place or people, so we should be more serious about setting up a First Aid box almost everywhere like Home, Private and Taxi Vehicles, Schools, Farms etc.

First Aid Kits should be placed in a secure place from where the kids are unable to take it, meanwhile it should be easily taken when something happen. Then only we could use it at the proper time. Here is the complete list of First Aid Kits Equipment and Essential Medicines.

Essential Equipment

  • Bandage (Plaster) : Bandages made with cloth and water proof bandages are available on medical shops. It is the most essential one a F A box must contain, because it is the most used one among other equipment. I recommend you to keep various types of bandages, differs in width, type of material, bandage with images. The Bandage with images will be very useful if a child got injured, Children are funny things, They always tend to cry regardless of pain, So we can twine their wound with badge having pictures on it, so that we can make them happy showing them the pictures.
  • Painkiller : Be careful of serious diseases, which makes unbearable pain. But you will be more care about giving one painkiller. Don't give a person its over dose, you can seek a doctor's opinion on it. I strongly say you that you shall not use this tablet all the time you feel pain, but use only in critical situations.
  • Cotton : Cotton is an another mostly used thing when one is wounded. This is much useful to clean the wound and also to place on the it before twining. Make sure that the cotton is
    separated into small pieces so that it can be used ASAP.
  • Tape : Tapes are used to entwine the wound, because they are capable to absorb the medicine you pour on it.
  • Skin Smear : Smears helps to get rid off the reaction on skin.
  • Disposable Gloves : Gloves may be required at time of over haemorrhage or at other occasions. Which keeps your hand and the patient from being unclean.
  • Scissors : Scissors can be used to cut bandages or Tapes. It should be sharpened at the end.
  • Safety Pins :  Safety pin will be useful while the bandage is much larger in width or length, so that the bandage will be properly fit.
  • Disinfectant : This help you to keep something clean from being infectious.
  • Thermometer : When you suffer fever, you can have a small checkup to know how serious your fever is. I recommend to use Digital Thermometer so that it will be very easy to use.
  • Important Contact Details : Contact numbers of essential Hospitals, Doctors, Ambulances, Family Members etc. must will be in your First Aid Kit. You can also keep the details of diseases you or your family member suffer.

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